Nandita Das


When someone ventures into a new terrain, there are always questions and also admiration for the brave. The more the world plays safe and becomes...

I write this on my way home after finishing the second and final leg of the film, Traces of Sandalwood (working title), directed by Maria...

I am writing this as I leave the Wagah border after two glorious days in Lahore. I was there for a conference called the South...

Last year has been a watershed in the attention that violence against women has drawn. While largely an urban phenomenon, the uproars have brought to...

Growing up in Delhi, over the years I have seen many protests at Jantar Mantar. It was not unusual to see a passionate bunch, often...

For a child, money matters little. For me, while growing up, it mattered even less. I never got pocket money, so did not have to...

My whole being often longs to be out in the open, away from the city, close to nature and with rooted people. Thankfully, there is...

My early July went by in patient sessions in my son’s pre-primary-Saifee, his first step into a school. It is a lovely little place tucked...

It is seldom that one writes about something difficult and painful and yet the experience brings a big smile to one’s face. I recently attended...

Today I am writing about a dream that my father saw several years ago. A dream of setting up an art centre to preserve and...

Virata Parvam


Director: Udugula Venu

Language: Telugu

Character Name: Shakuntala

Key Cast: Kundan Alexzed, Chakrapani Ananda, Banerjee

Feastivals and Awards: NA

Film Stills: 9

BTS: 11