I have been seeing a battle of words and thoughts on various posts in the last few days and strangely it has stirred many thoughts...
I got the following, from a dear friend who began pouring his heart as a comment to my Gujarat post that was in the line...
I am now 14 blogs old. I began very hesitantly, and then somewhere in between found it a bit wasteful, then in no time got...
Thank you everyone for your solidarity and sharings. This post is actually in response to a comment on my last post. When one shares a...
Since 2002, every time I have been to Gujarat, I have come back with a heavy heart. It’s not easy to go to a state...
Thanks for your best wishes for my trip to Wagah. For Mallika, Jan, Kristin, Karen and other bloggers who wanted to know…here it goes. I...
Tomorrow I am going to the Wagah border along with a few diehard optimists like Kuldip Nayar from India and Asma Jehangir from Pakistan. Every...
Reading Gotham’s email, I was reminded of one of my mentors. When you are young and impressionable and have the idealism and faith that you...
Last evening we went for dinner to Navdanya, an Organic Food Café started by another bloger Vandana Shiva, who is a famous environment activist. There...