Nandita Das

The Week

On several occasions, in any given month, I want to write out of shock, anger, helplessness or even awe, but invariably life is too cluttered...

This holiday season was an overdose of consumerism, traffic congestion and pollution of all kinds; water in particular, given the many immersions. I don’t intend...

I always knew that I would do a project on gender equality, but didn’t think it would be a play about people like ‘us’. While...

August is the month when our national pride wakes up. The usual analysis and reflections on the year gone by also briefly occupy public discourse....

Elevators have always been an amusing space for me to observe how people react to each other. The forced silence, the smile that comes and...

Seeing a small child, as small as a 2-year-old, playing with a cell phone or an iPad is no more a rarity. Sensing my anxiety,...

Motherhood has changed many things in my life and me. One of the less significant but amusing things is the kind of questions I get...

Sadly for many Indians, a documentary means a boring, slow film that is meant to teach you something you don’t really want to learn. Probably,...

My month of March has always been cluttered with engagements dealing with women’s issues. Although after the International Women’s Day on March 8 it sort...

This year I was really keen to go to the Jaipur Literature Festival, as I had skipped it the last two years. My experience of...

Virata Parvam


Director: Udugula Venu

Language: Telugu

Character Name: Shakuntala

Key Cast: Kundan Alexzed, Chakrapani Ananda, Banerjee

Feastivals and Awards: NA

Film Stills: 9

BTS: 11