Nandita Das


Reading Gotham’s email, I was reminded of one of my mentors. When you are young and impressionable and have the idealism and faith that you...

Last evening we went for dinner to Navdanya, an Organic Food Café started by another bloger Vandana Shiva, who is a famous environment activist. There...

Here’s a letter that I received from a very dear friend. I felt an urge to share it with everyone on the blog. Dear Nandita…...

Update on Mercy’s work Mercy was in Delhi recently (she visits cities, when and only if she has to). She had come with the father...

On the 9th of May I took a flight from Paris to reach the Nice airport, where Arnoud and Laure , two young members of...

In April this year, I was travelling in the US, for various reasons- speaking at the Cornell University, presenting Bawander at the Washington DC International...

As you can see I have actually started enjoying the blog as it’s truly a dialogue and not just a one sided sharing. Just saw...

I am neither a writer nor a net buff/surfer…so what am I doing on a blog! I guess the need to share, to be reassured,...

I am often asked “who are your inspirations in life?” in the hope that I will rattle off some famous names that would make a...

If we switched off the TV and travelled to places where children cry themselves to sleep, cynical hearts would become awash in compassion. I remember...

Virata Parvam


Director: Udugula Venu

Language: Telugu

Character Name: Shakuntala

Key Cast: Kundan Alexzed, Chakrapani Ananda, Banerjee

Feastivals and Awards: NA

Film Stills: 9

BTS: 11